Portfolio Core Allocation
We are committed to the long-term management of finances through the continual investment in asset classes that align with anticipated macroeconomic trends.
This approach is based on a thorough analysis of current macroeconomic conditions and is backed by data demonstrating momentum.
Below is a chart illustrating the momentum of the equity index (S&P 500), which trends according to a significant macroeconomic indicator (US ISM PMI) and follows a cyclical pattern.
Portfolio Tactical Allocation
Also commonly known as short term trading. Observing the cyclical patterns between the macroeconomic factors and the equity index as discussed above, we incorporate these cyclical trends into the pricing structures of individual stocks. Subsequently, we streamline the momentum data and establish positions that align with the prevailing price trends, focusing on areas where the risk/reward ratio is most favorable.
Below are several of the primary price structures.
Image above: Price re-distribution
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